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差價合約是複雜的工具,並且由於槓桿作用而帶來資金快速損失的高風險。與該提供商交易差價合約時,散戶投資者賬戶中有 75% 會虧損。考慮您是否了解差價合約的運作方式,以及您是否有能力承擔虧損的高風險。



Trade Responsibly: Derivative products are highly leveraged, carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Features of our products including fees and charges are outlined in the relevant legal documents available on our website. The legal documents should be considered before entering into transactions with us. FP Markets is a group of companies which include First Prudential Markets Pty Ltd, an ASIC regulated provider of Derivatives and Forex trading services (ABN 16 112 600 281, AFS License No. 286354), First Prudential Markets Ltd (registration number HE 372179), a company authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC License number 371/18), FP Markets (Pty) Ltd, a Financial Services Provider authorised and regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa (FSP Number 50926), and FP Markets LLC. which is a registered company of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Limited Liability Number 126 LLC 2019. FP Markets does not accept applications from residents of countries or jurisdictions where such distribution or use would be contrary to local laws or regulations.






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* 風險警告:交易/差價合約是複雜的工具,由於槓桿作用而具有快速虧損的高風險。 考慮 EA 交易的投資者最好只使用他們可以承受的損失。請注意,即使是知識淵博且經驗豐富的投資者也可能遭受巨大的潛在損失。Profitfactory Software 的過去表現並不是其未來表現的可靠指標。

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